Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Scoring Recap - Week 5

In the interest of giving all the happenings of this episode their due attention, I'm going to ignore the big shock until the end. Just know that it's killing me not to write 1,200 words on what happened in the final 5 minutes.

Of course the most pressing issue (outside of the rose ceremony) is the increasingly cray (yeah, I'm saying cray instead of crazy; I think it fits in this circumstance) Courtney and her shenanigans. We've seen crazier chicks in the past (Michelle from Jake's season) but those girls were crazy because of desperation and probably an illness that comes from owning too many cats. Courtney is a different breed. She's not just unstable and manipulative; those are common traits on this show. What really takes her over the top is a ridiculously aggressive competitive streak, an aptitude for sluttiness, and a unibrow that I can only guess gives her super powers (otherwise why would she keep it?!). It's readily apparent to everyone (except Ben, duh) that Courtney is here to win and she will continue to pull more stunts until she either wins the game or Ben grows suspicious and sends her home, at which time there's a 50/50 chance she'll freak out in a manner similar to the way Liv Tyler did in Empire Records. Either way, it's good TV.


1. Another contender for "Most Shocking Moment of the Season": Blakeley went to college. Let me repeat that: VIP Cocktail Waitress who looks to be one step away from a return to the trailer park WENT TO COLLEGE. I have seriously misjudged this girl. And by the way, I'm actually starting to like this girl. Who knew she could be the most normal human in the house with nine girls left?

2. Speaking of higher education, why, exactly, does Elyse have a Masters degree? Because you need almost no training to be a personal trainer. If I wanted to be a personal trainer (read: "toolbag") I could get a certification within a month. In fact, we could ALL get certified as PTs within a month, start tanning excessively and taking steroids, and open our own gym. I'm not saying we should do it, I'm just saying it's something to consider. A couple of us already have our respective Masters degrees so we're way ahead of the game obviously.

3. And speaking of Elyse, her little speech to Ben about everything she was looking for...oh, honey. She just kept rattling off every stereotypical, classic, single girl statements. "I'm just tired of being single", "I just want to be in a relationship." etc. etc. all the time never realizing that she was digging her own grave. Her elimination was classic, too. "Sorry, I'm not that into you. Now gather up your long, flowy dress and walk off into the ocean." From now on, I want all of my single friends to break up with their respective dating partners just like that. So long, Elyse, we hardly knew you and yet that knowledge was plenty.

4. I thoroughly enjoyed Casey S. explaining the elimination process to all of us right before the crew member came and took Elyse's bag away. Really, Casey? Whether it's on a date or at the rose ceremony, someone will be going home? Thanks for letting America in on the secret; we had no idea.

5. Finally, um, Emily, please shut your mouth. That is all.

Now onto Ben and the explosive ending that no one saw coming (especially poor Jennifer). First of all, nice suspenders, dude. What was that about? Second, I apparently missed this last week but I guess he said he has been in love six times. Six times?! Easy, pal! Third, kudos for kicking Elyse to the curb (finally) but braugh (I'm assuming he says things like, "Braugh" instead of "Bro"; he just has that look), don't pick up the rose if you're not handing it out. That's just mean spirited.

As for his two moments of poor decision making, I must say the first instance (skinny dipping with a woman of ill repute) is excusable. I think he summed it up perfectly in his little interview in which he basically just shrugged his shoulders and said, "What could I do?" Ladies, give the man a break. He's single, he's young, he's being bombarded by overtures from several attractive women...there's only so much the dude can do. I'm sure he felt really bad afterwards (or possibly not).

But I have no excuse for the second egregious error he made this week. When the rose ceremony came down to Emily and Jennifer, I turned to Lindsey and complained about how drama-free this ending was. "Of course he's going to send Emily home! She's been making a fool of herself for two weeks and he really seems to like Jennifer and so there's no way tha--- wait, what? WHAT?! Why The Face just happened?!" I yelled for five minutes. If we had done an add/drop before this episode, I would have added Jennifer. There was no question in my mind that she was going to be in the top three. That has to be the most shocking elimination in the history of the show.

And then there was NOTHING in the way of explanation. Just, "Welp, see you later." We need answers, Ben! If nothing else, Jennifer needs answers! I mean, I can understand her not winning. But when you've still got Casey S. hanging around and Jamie camping out in the background and Courtney's unibrow taking up residence in the house and Nicki's crazy eyes coming out to play even after she's already gotten a rose, what are you thinking sending Jennifer home? I'm at a loss, friends. I don't understand the world anymore.

Best Scene of the Week: Duh.
Best Line of the Week: "How difficult is it not to get naked?" - Casey S. Pretty un-difficult, Casey.

Jennifer - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Group Date Rose: +50p
Kacie B - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Elyse - Elimination Pick: +25p
Total: +150p
Previous Total: 695

Courtney - "Steals Ben Away": +50p
Courtney - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Group Date Rose: +50p
Kacie B - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Total: +200p
Previous Total: 665

Jennifer - Kiss: +25p
Lindzi - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Total: +50p
Previous Total: 660

Nicki - 1-on-1 Date: +25p
Nicki - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Nicki - First to Talk About Divorce: +100p
Nicki - Kiss: +25p
Nicki - Rose on 1-on-1 Date: +10p
Courtney - "Steals Ben Away": +50p
Courtney - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Group Date Rose: +50p
Kacie B - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Elyse - Elimination Pick: +100p
Total: +485p
Previous Total: 645

Kacie B - Group Date Rose: +50p
Kacie B - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Jennifer - Kiss: +25p
Nicki - 1-on-1 Date: +25p
Nicki - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Nicki - First to Talk About Divorce: +100p
Nicki - Kiss: +25p
Nicki - Rose on 1-on-1 Date: +10p
Elyse - Elimination Pick: +75p
Total: +385p
Previous Total: 640

Lindzi - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Blakeley - Kiss: +25p
Nicki - 1-on-1 Date: +25p
Nicki - Helicoper Ride: +25p
Nicki - First to Talk About Divorce: +100p
Nicki - Kiss: +25p
Nicki - Rose on 1-on-1 Date: +10p
Total: +235p
Previous Total: 627

Nicki - 1-on-1 Date: +25p
Nicki - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Nicki - First to Talk About Divorce: +100p
Nicki - Kiss: +25p
Nicki - Rose on 1-on-1 Date: +10p
Courtney - "Steals Ben Away": +50p
Courtney - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Group Date Rose: +50p
Kacie B - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Elyse - Elimination Pick: +30p
Total: +415p
Previous Total: 560

Lindzi - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Nicki - 1-on-1 Date: +25p
Nicki - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Nicki - First to Talk About Divorce: +100p
Nicki - Kiss: +25p
Nicki - Rose on 1-on-1 Date: +10p
Courtney - "Steals Ben Away": +50p
Courtney - Kiss: +25p
Total: +310p
Previous Total: 495

Jamie - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Elyse - Elimination Pick: +35p
Total: +60p
Previous Total: 475

Nicki - 1-on-1 Date: +25p
Nicki - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Nicki - First to Talk About Divorce: +100p
Nicki - Kiss: +25p
Nicki - Rose on 1-on-1 Date: +10p
Kacie B - Group Date Rose: +50p
Kacie B - Kiss: +25p
Kacie B - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Total: +285
Previous Total: 460

Jamie - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Blakeley - Kiss: +25p
Elyse - Elimination Pick: +100p
Total: +150p
Previous Total: 350

Jamie - Helicopter Ride: +25p
Total: +25p
Previous Total: 270

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA! Oh I loved the Empire Records clip.

    Also, I loved the picture that you included. Seriously Lindzi, stop trying to peek through your long bangs. Just shove them to one side of your face. Do you want them in your eyes or out? Make a decision.

    I like Kacie B. I just wish you would put a cold washcloth on her face before her interview. Her face always looks swollen. You know when you cry in your bath tub? Well that's what her face looks like these days.
