Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Scoring Recap: Week 4

I’ve been on record for several weeks now that I hate my team. Within 20 minutes of picking the five members of my roster, I regretted three of them. So while I still had all five participants going into this week, I knew it was all smoke and mirrors. Even more importantly, I knew I was doomed this week when Chris stepped out onto the patio to tell the guys that they’d be moving on to Bermuda and I suddenly noticed that Nate has a remarkable case of Dumbface. It isn’t to the level of Eli Manning of course, but it is a clear, definitive strain of the disease. That was a sign of things to come, unfortunately.

As the guys scootered up to their new resort, I was struck by the fact that every single week I think Michael couldn’t possibly look any more feminine…and then he puts on a helmet and rides a moped. Wow. I’m not sure if he’s going for “Pre-op Crossdresser” as his look but if he is, well done, sir, you’ve nailed it. I’m also left to wonder, considering he yet again did not receive a date, if Emily has any idea that Alejandro is here. No one could blame her for assuming he and Alessandro were the same person but I wonder if every time she catches him roaming through the background of the cocktail party, looking for mushrooms to cross-pollenate with the ones he has at home, if she thinks he’s just a member of the crew. He might be a nice guy but I have a feeling we’ll never find out.

Hey, note to Doug: chill the freak out, braugh. I’m not sure if you know this or not but the whole point of this show is to actually go on dates with the pretty girl. I’m fairly certain than all the other guys in the house would kill a Bermudan hobo to switch places with you and yet you’re coming unglued at the very prospect of this date. Either go home or relax.

As the date progressed, I became more and more impressed with Emily. Y’all, she might be the smartest Bachelor/Bachelorette we’ve ever had. She doesn’t miss anything. She knows there’s something wrong with Doug and eventually she’s going to unleash the beast. I also really enjoyed that he gave the old, “I have bad days; we all have bad days” response. Sure, Doug. The difference is, when I have a bad day, I’m a little bit snippy and I yell at bad drivers. When you have a bad day, you assault your girlfriend and pretend to commit suicide. All the same.

Am I the only one who sort-of thinks Austin (Doug’s son) doesn’t exist? Like he’s a complete fabrication designed by Doug’s psychiatrist Inception-style? Anyone? Okay. Then, am I the only one who sort-of hoped Doug would get sent packing this week and he’d arrive home before that postcard? Just me then? Alright.

Whoever thought up this date should be fired. I’m all for the competition bit and the whole winners get more quality time, losers go home deal. The softball episode was probably the best of Ben’s season. But what’s the point of having these guys show up to a dock and immediately jump on a boat and competing in a race while Emily sits alone at the finish line? No one gets anything out of that. Or maybe I’m just bitter because Sean, Travis, and Charlie were all on the same boat which I immediately took to mean I was screwed. There was no way that race was going to go my way. On the other hand, you guys just lost to a team that included both Kalon and Jef, the two girliest guys in the house who are not named Michael. Gotta give a better showing than that, fellas. And of course, on the way home Charlie cries (come on, dude), his only contribution to my team this season. I regret that choice so much.

Okay, in defense of Ryan: I thought the trophy wife line was funny. At the very least, I thought you could tell he was trying to be funny, not a tool. On the flip side, he has no idea when to shut his mouth. Every time he talks all I can think is, “No! No! No! Dude! Shut up! You’re blowing this!” There’s no way he wins this thing now and he should be neck-and-neck with Arie to bring the trophy home. (See what I did there?) What a waste.

I’m not going to lie, I kind of checked out during this portion of the program. Sue me. Jef gets the rose but they have absolutely zero chemistry so A.) They do no kiss and B.) If they did, both parties would have been sorely disappointed. Welcome back to High School, guys. And that’s all I really remember.

The producer who came up with this bit is a genius. At its best, the 2-on-1 date creates dynamic situations like when Brad shockingly picked annoying, dressed-like-an-idiot Ashley over really hot, not at all annoying Ashley. At its worst, you get instant awkward drama like what we received this time around. I’m not sure you could have picked a more awkward pair than Nate and Wolf. They are diametrically opposed to one another as Nate is a full blown Sensy (too sensitive for his own good) and Wolf…well…more on Wolf in a second.

I wonder what would happen if The Bachelor/Bachelorette had a season in which no one jumped off a cliff into a body of water. It’s like Chris Harrison and his cohorts are putting the show together from an old checklist they laminated back in 2001. “Girl: Check. 22 white guys: Check. 3 minorities: Check. Picturesque spot from which to jump off a cliff into a body of water: Check. Alright guys, we’ll just wing it from here.” I’m not complaining about it, I just think it’s a little weird that we always, ALWAYS, get this date at some point. Side note number one about this portion of the date: Wolf totally did a monster belly flop on his jump. Ouch. Side note number two: Oh, hello, Emily’s boobs. Yikes.

As our trio descends into the cave (baller location, by the way), the awkwardness abounds. Wolf can’t be troubled to care much about this situation but oh how Nate’s nerves got the best of him. Poor guy. He seems like a sweet dude but everything he said was off. It’s never a great idea to run off at the mouth about how all of your friends and family members are married and have kids and you feel left behind. Not always the best way to make a date feel wanted. In many ways, he’s a lot like Ames, only he’s not nearly as interesting. And with that, he’s sent packing.

Side note about Wolf: There are several guys in this house who I would consider to be tools. At the very least, many of them are capable of toolish moments (even Arie wasn’t above this behavior this week). However, none of them are bad guys…except Wolf. Just trust me on this one. That dude has done bad things in his life and whats more, I think he agrees with Latarian Milton's lifelong motto. Just look into his eyes. He’s dead inside and is capable of horrible, horrible deeds. To apply this to sports: Lebron James is a giant tool who cannot seem to keep himself away from douchy deeds. But deep down, he’s not a bad guy, just dumb, immature, and misguided. But Dwyane Wade…that guy is pure evil. The stuff he pulls on a nightly basis is the basketball equivalent of communing with demons. Ryan and Doug are Lebron but Wolf is Wade.

First and foremost, WHAT WAS JEF WEARING?!?! Were those shorts or a skort? I honestly couldn’t tell. And the knee-high socks?! It’s like someone in the house told him Alicia Silverstone died and he wanted to pay homage to his favorite film. Good gracious, Jef. As if your name, hair, and general disposition weren’t bad enough, you went with that look on NATIONAL TELEVISION?! There’s no way he’ll be allowed back into Utah.

Ryan continues to make a fool of himself with his misguided comments about becoming the next Bachelor. Bad call, dude. For his sake, I hope he didn’t win this thing because if he did, Emily had now ended their relationship after that.

Chris and Doug’s little confrontation was so pointless that it barely bears mentioning. Both of you are dumb. Just shut up.

Quietly, Sean is becoming Arie’s toughest competition. I think Ryan has officially blown his early momentum and clearly Arie is the leader of the pack. But Sean has moved his way up the chart in very efficient, organic fashion and he’s ready for the break out week. And, of course, by saying that I have probably doomed him to be sent home next week.

The conversation between Emily and Chris was awesome. Just AWESOME. You can see how much Chris digs Emily’s straight-forward, no-nonsense way of handling everything and she’s an interviewers dream. If for some reason Emily can’t make it work with whoever she chooses here, I hope she and Chris get married and their child becomes the world’s greatest reality show host ever.

And at the end of it all, Charlie gets a somewhat unexpected but not entirely shocking exit and finally, FINALLY, Michael goes home. If you were wondering, Chris Harrison also has no idea how that guy hung around this long, either. We’re almost done with the easy eliminations now which means we should all be preparing for some shocking and/or devastating decisions. Can’t wait!

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Jef: Group rose – 50p
Sean: Kiss – 25p
Doug: 1-on-1 date – 25p
Doug: Mentions kid – 25p
Doug: Rose – 10p
Total: 225
Previous Total: 1020

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Sean: Kiss – 25p
Michael: Elimination pick – 50p
Total: 165
Previous Total: 810

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Jef: Group rose – 50p
Doug: 1-on-1 date – 25p
Doug: Mentions kid – 25p
Doug: Rose – 10p
Charlie: Cries – 25p
Michael: Elimination pick – 50p
Total: 220
Previous Total: 755

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Doug: 1-on-1 date – 25p
Doug: Mentions kid – 25p
Doug: Rose – 10p
Charlie: Cries – 25p
Michael: Elimination pick – 50p
Nate: Elimination pick – 50p
Total: 275
Previous Total: 745

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Jef: Group rose – 50p
Doug: 1-on-1 date – 25p
Doug: Mentions kid – 25p
Doug: Rose – 10p
Jef: Group rose – 50p
Total: 195
Previous Total: 680

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Charlie: Cries – 25p
Sean: Kiss – 25p
Michael: Elimination pick – 50p
Total: 185
Previous Total: 670

Doug: 1-on-1 date – 25p
Doug: Mentions kid – 25p
Doug: Rose – 10p
Nate: Cries during date – 50p
Michael: Elimination pick – 50p
Total: 160
Previous Total: 620

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Charlie: Cries – 25p
Nate: Cries during date – 50p
Total: 160
Previous Total: 585

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Jef: Group rose – 50p
Total: 135
Previous Total: 570

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Charlie: Cries – 25p
Nate: Cries during date – 50p
Michael: Cries – 25p
Total: 185
Previous Total: 560

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Charlie: Cries – 25p
Nate: Cries during date – 50p
Michael: Elimination pick – 33p
Total: 193
Previous Total: 545

Charlie: Cries – 25p
Alejandro: Survives without date – 25p
Total: 50
Previous Total: 510

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Nate: Cries during date – 50p
John: 2-on-1 rose: 50p
Michael: Elimination pick – 100p
Total: 285
Previous Total: 430

Arie: Kiss – 25p
Arie: Interrupts alone time – 50p
Arie: Uses term “steal away” – 15p
Charlie: Cries – 25p
Nate: Cries during date – 50p
Michael: Elimination pick – 25p
Total: 185
Previous Total: 420

Sean: Kiss – 25p
Charlie: Cries – 25p
Nate: Cries during date – 50p
Nate: Elimination pick – 50p
Michael: Elimination pick – 50p
Total: 200
Previous Total: 375

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