Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 2 Scoring Recap

We open the week on Sean in the shower (while smiling nonetheless) which is, of course, the perfect way to start an episode of any TV show. I can’t wait until next week’s Big Bang Theory that begins with Sheldon lathering himself up or a future episode of The Biggest Loser in which someone has to help a tubby guy scrub his back (MENTAL IMAGE!). But seriously, what are we doing here? I feel like some lonely production assistant for the show saw Magic Mike, thought, “You know what The Bachelor needs? More solo shower scenes!” and made it so.

Sarah of the One Arm (as opposed to Frodo of the Nine Fingers, geek joke of the week) gets the first one-on-one date of this Bachelor season and I have to say that’s fitting because she’s beautiful, seems fun, and totally doesn’t have an obnoxious voice at all. No, no wait, I mean the exact opposite on all of that. Her voice grates on me like the proverbial nails on the chalk board, she’s kind of a Debbie Downer, and she looks like she performed plastic surgery on herself right before she got into the limo. I give her all the credit in the world for fighting through her disability and I want to make it very clear that I am not mocking her because of her handicap. I am mocking her because she’s obnoxious and she talks like she’s one of The Californians.

But at least on her first date Sean will take her to do something fairly casual that won’t involve rigorous physical activity. Nix that, they’re going to repel down a 30 story building. Because anyone can do that, right? I like Sean’s reasoning behind taking the one armed girl on this date in that he wanted to make sure that, “She was up for anything.” Their next date will involve playing baseball followed by the development of a jazz hands routine so he can make sure she’s up for anything. It’s not about whether or not she CAN do these things, it’s about it being kind of mean to force this poor girl to do something like this and then take the rest of the non-handicapped girls on dates that involve no physical activity whatsoever.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get something else out of the way, too: Do we not all feel like Sean is keeping Sarah around because she only has one arm and he doesn’t want to seem like the jerk who just immediately sends the handicap girl home? How many weeks before he can definitively say, “I’m not sending you home because you only have one arm, I’m sending you home because your voice has no inflection and it looks like your face is incapable of moving”? I hope that day comes sooner rather than later.

Next up we have the first group date in which Sean takes 13 women to a mansion where they pose as models for the cover of a set of Harlequin novels. Shocker: the model won the contest! In the interest of fairness, I think they should have held competitions in the fields of each of the respective date participants. They could, say, have a bill writing competition so Lesley could win and maybe a “live in a tree house and eat bark” competition so Katie could win. Just to be fair.

A few scattered thoughts:

1.) Brooke looks completely different with straight hair. Like, I didn’t recognize her AT ALL.
2.) A question for the women in our game here: How much do you hate Kristy? Because I’m on the verge of throwing a trident through my television every time she shows up and I’m her target market. Ugh.
3.) Like all of you, I expected massive drama with Tierra. I did not, however, expect that Robyn would be the first one to start talking smack about her. That caught me off guard.
4.) Diana indicated an interest in getting on the horse with Sean and riding off into the sunset but as Tobin astutely pointed out, there’s no room for her kids on that horse so (FORESHADOWING!!!) this is the end of her ride.
5.) Forcing poor Katie to be in the creepy vampire group was mean but then again, what do you expect with THAT HAIR?!

We move on to the cocktail party in which Lesley makes everyone, including Sean and herself, super uncomfortable with her talking. I’m continually torn on her because on the one hand she seems like a real player in this game and I’d like to have her on my team but on the other hand she seems SUPER immature and I think that’ll be her downfall eventually. Also, “I didn’t want to say this but I’m here for love” is maybe the worst possible way to phrase that sentiment. I think I knew what Lesley was getting at but still, her phrasing made Sean (and me, and everyone else) uncomfortable.

Lesley is, of course, far less uncomfortable than Katie, however, who eventually freaked out and took herself out of the competition. I would love to talk to Katie personally and ask her what in the world she was thinking in coming on this show in the first place. Can’t she find love at a Widespread Panic concert or something? She seems like a nice person but she’s way too, shall we say, “different” to succeed here. Did she lose a bet? I need to know what the logic behind this was!

Every year there’s one girl who never gets any time with the bachelor, never seems to make much of an impression on anyone, and seems more interested in making 24 new friends than making a connection with a guy but still manages to stick around for an absurdly long time. Last year it was Casey S. who might have stayed on longer if her past hadn’t come back to bite her in the backside. This year we have Daniella, who might just be here for the free alcohol and who I would wager is drunk 65% of the time, whether on camera or off. Also, Sean has no idea who Daniella is. 

Final scattered thoughts on the Group Date:

1.) “I’m a vegan but I love the beef” is one of the dumbest statements ever made, so thanks for that Catherine.
2.) During their brief alone time Sean glanced at Tierra’s chest no fewer than six times so you can bet she’ll be around for a few more weeks (assuming she doesn’t actually break her neck falling down the stairs next week).
3.) And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Kacie, who is probably in the Friend Zone but doesn’t think she’s in the Friend Zone which means her eventual exist will be BRUTAL. That said, I think it would be smart for the producers to bring her back every single season until someone picks her. The promos for that almost shoot themselves. “And one former contestant comes back for her shot at love…again!” She seems just desperate enough to do this. Make it so, Chris Harrison!

I like pranks as much as the next guy and I like that Sean likes pranks. It shows far more personality than Ben ever exhibited. (Speaking of Ben, has anyone seen him lately? Did Courtney already kill him and lay her alien eggs inside his corpse? It’s bound to happen before too long, anyway.) That said, this is a bad prank because A.) It’s possible that she’s going to lose her crap and start bawling and B.) The payoff is pretty menial. Anytime your prank has a high percentage chance of causing tears and the payoff is only, “HA! Made you cry!” it’s not a great prank.

Anyway, Sean and Chris conspire to make Desiree think that she broke a $1.5 million dollar piece of art except the plan goes awry when A.) she’s nowhere near the thing when it falls off its stand and B.) the “actor” who played the upset artist was clearly a homeless man hired 10 minutes before Sean and Desiree arrived. It didn’t work that well and I think Desiree knew it was a bit. Good job, good effort though guys.

Afterward Sean took Desiree back “home” where he declared his ability to cook a steak even though we all know it was the aforementioned cat lady production assistant who made dinner and then the pair sat down to have a nice talk. And I actually mean that. It’s early in the game but if I was a Vegas oddsmaker I’d have Desiree as the most likely to win. She’s pretty, she’s fun, she seems normal, and unlike Ashley P., it appears they might actually have the same morals. This of course will all go to pot when Chris Harrison pays a fake ex-boyfriend to show up at the house in a couple of weeks and cause trouble. But for now, I declare Desiree to be the leader in the clubhouse.

Lindsay, now slightly less drunk, looked great and did her best to make Sean forget the image of her as the drunk girl in the wedding dress UNTIL SHE IMMEDIATELY BRINGS IT UP AND FORCES HIM TO RELIVE IT. How dumb do you have to be?! Let sleeping dogs lie, Lindsay! I think she could be a player in this thing but she stands no chance if she keeps getting slightly tipsy and running her mouth.

Robyn bought herself a rose. It was a shrewd move to broach the race question with Sean and I applaud her for doing so. It won’t help her win, she has to be on the chopping block sooner rather than later, partly because she’s talking so much junk about Tierra and partly because she has no jaw, but for at least one week, she bought herself safety.

Which brings us, finally, to the conundrum of Amanda. Um…what’s the deal with Amanda? First of all, I can’t figure out who she looks like and I don’t mean to brag but making such comparisons is something I’m very skilled at. She definitely has a hint of Sarah Jessica Parker Horse Face (by the way, Google Image search Sarah Jessica Parker Horse) to her but that’s not quite right. If you have the answer, please let me know because it’s killing me. Second, for a long stretch of time it appeared that Amanda could not understand the English language. I was torn between wondering if she’d had a stroke or if she was being Nell from the movie Nell. She continually has a look on her face that suggests she doesn’t know where she is but that she is not above cutting a chick if it’ll help her get to the top. AND YET SHE DIDN’T GET SENT HOME!!! She spent the whole episode acting like a wild animal that had been forced to wear a dress and perform for an audience and yet Sean kept her around. And I’m not sure if that speaks more to her virtues when the camera isn’t around or more to Diana’s lack of virtues since Sean sent her packing to be with her girls. Regardless, Amanda is now the odds on favorite to actually start a legitimate fist fight in the house and so I’m totally on board for her sticking around a while longer.

Next week looks like a fun one with AshLee getting some serious attention from Sean and Tierra pretending to break her arm in order to get attention. You’re the best, Bachelor.

Sarah (210p)
                One-on-One Date: 25p
                Rose on One-on-One: 10p
                First Kiss: 100p
                First Helicopter Ride: 75p
Desiree (185p)
                One-on-One Date: 25p
                Rose on Date: 10p
                First Hot Tub: 100p
                Kiss: 25p
                Accuses Someone of Being Fake: 25p
Lesley (110p)
                “Claws Coming Out”: 25p
                Interrupts Someone Else’s Alone Time: 35p
                Kiss: 25p
                Accuses Someone of Being Fake: 25p
Tierra (100p)
                “Not Here to Make Friends”: 25p
                First to Bring Up Emily: 75p
Kacie (50p)
                Rose on Group Date: 50p
Kristy (25p)
                Strokes Sean’s Abs: 25p
AshLee (25p)
                Survives Without Date: 25p
Lindsay (25p)
                Survives Without Date: 25p
Jackie (25p)
                Survives Without Date: 25p
Amanda (15p)
                Accused of Being Fake: 15p

Desiree – 185p
Kristy – 25p
Tierra – 100p
Kacie – 50p
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Pick (Brooke, Katie) – 50p
Total: 520
Previous Total: 100

Desiree – 185p
Lesley – 110p
Kacie – 50p
Jackie – 25p
Total: 370
Previous Total: 0

Desiree – 185p
Kacie – 50p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Elimination Pick (Katie) – 50p
Total: 410
Previous Total: 25

Lesley – 110p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 335
Previous Total: 25

Desiree – 185p
Kacie – 50p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 570
Previous Total: 50

Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
Elimination Pick (Katie) – 20p
Total: 305
Previous Total: 125

Desiree – 185p
Kacie – 50p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 460
Previous Total: 75

Tierra – 100p
Lesley – 110p
Kristy – 25p
Desiree – 185p
Elimination Picks (Brooke, Diana) – 77p
Total: 497
Previous Total: 125

Sarah – 210p
Kacie – 50p
AshLee – 25p
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Picks (Katie) –10 0p
Total: 495
Previous Total: 125

Jackie – 25p
Tierra – 100p
Desiree - 185
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 520
Previous Total: 125

Desiree – 185p
Kacie – 50p
Tierra – 100p
Lesley – 110p
Total: 445
Previous Total: 100

Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 520
Previous Total: 25

Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Picks (Brooke) – 50p
Total: 470
Previous Total: 60

Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Lindsay – 25p
Elimination Picks (Diana, Katie, Brooke) – 75p
Total: 335
Previous Total: 25

Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Jackie – 25p
Total: 335
Previous Total: 125

Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Amanda – 15p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 425
Previous Total: 0

Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
Amanda – 15p
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 510
Previous Total: 0

Desiree – 185p
Jackie – 25p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 545
Previous Total: 75

Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
Lesley – 110p
Elimination Picks (Brooke, Katie) – 100p
Total: 495
Previous Total: 75

Lindsay – 25p
Desiree – 185p
Tierra – 100p
AshLee – 25p
Elimination Pick (Brooke) – 100p
Total: 435
Previous Total: 125

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